Active Learning
Active learning
is to prepare yourself for learning with the way you describe. You decide how
you learn, which way is suitable for you to learn and you decide how to test
yourself to be sure about your own understanding. Active learning is supported
with an important theory which is constructivism. Constructivism is the king of
unrestricted education. Constructivism depends on manipulation and recreation
of your own knowledge. In this way,
learner can learn from environment and he can identify some concepts, he can
create new concepts in his mind by using those created concepts and
differentiate those concepts from each other. During active learning one of the
important methods is “wearing different hats”. Wearing different hats method
teaches people to be able to have different shapes for different roles. For
example, a teacher should be able to both evaluator and lieder, when one of
them is required. Also, he should be able to think as a student when preparing
an activity or learning materials to be able to look events from students’
dimension. The other important thing is “bridging gaps”. When you teach a
class, you shouldn’t expect all students to have same knowledge background.
There will definitely be students who have lack of knowledge background. Also,
you may not have time to interest all students individually to bring them same
stage so you should make students active to complete their own background. In this way, students can have their own
responsibility to catch their friends in terms of knowledge background with
teacher leadership. In addition, active learning has some stages to support its
education model. These stages are formed as four parts. The first part is
called as Trigger. It belongs to introducing a topic with helpful assignment.
The trigger should be broad to let students look from different dimensions and
it should be relevant for students. Trigger is not limited in term of subject.
Second part is called as Activity. In this stage, students work on trigger to
make analysis and researches. The third part is Discussion. In this stage, what
is done so far is presented to entire class by students who work on projects
and they are discussed by other students. During discussion instructor describe
key points but don’t judge any idea or opinion. The forth part is Summarizing.
In this stage teacher make a general summarization about work done so far. Instructor
defines important point, highlights main concepts.
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