16 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi

Blog post 9

Student Centered Approaches to Teaching

               Students centered approaches aims to make students more active in their education. Actually, nowadays, we are getting educated by Teacher centered education approach with direct educatin model. This approach relays on knowledge based and the instructor directly manages class. The instructor chose subjects that students will learn and prepare curriculum by himself. On the other hand, students centered approach gives an opportunity to the students. Students can chose subject they want to learn. They can describe their education time and limit. They don’t have to be educated on a subject which they dont have any interest and related ability. Also, students use the class more on practicing. They both learn knowledge and how to use it. Also, Problem based learning is one of the opportunity in students centered approach. This model depends on learning by using problems. Especially, real life problems are used in problem based education. To make learning more obvious and to offer it in a logical way for long term memory. Also, the Flipt classroom model is another opportunity coming with student centred approach. Flipt classroom model is the top version of students centered approach for me. Students are really active in their education. They learn all instruction and required knowledge out of the classroom by himself, and they come to the class only for practicing. Their instructer only guides them about how they use their knowledge in examples and how they will use their critical thinking on subjects. Moreover, this helps cooperative learning to develop in class environment because all students work as being groups, and they discuss subjects as a community. When it is necessary, they become peer helper for each of them to help identifying subjects and to go in deeper on subjects.

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