Covering Semester
Actually, I have never seen teacher in the
center of education so far. I am one of the people who cannot learn better in
the class. In my life, I have learned many things from internet. Before internet
enters my life, I was learning from books. There are many people like me who
learn from internet. This is our reality. The world is changing. Before the time
that people learn in a class, people were learning where information is. I call
this as natural education. For us the important thing is that how information
is shown and well prepared in internet.
Actually, this is the thing which teachers have to be in the
center. Looking to the internet to learn
something is easy. However, who will prepare instruction for learner in
internet. This is definitely work of teacher to prepare learning materials. The
education system is going to our old education model which people don’t need
any fix place to learn something. Also, the technology is one of the things
which attract people in the way of learning anywhere. I mean that we don’t do
anything to pass our old and natural education style. This century requires us
to make these changes. Actually, when we look to the world, the educators from
all countries agree that there is a problem in the education systems which
effect people’s education in a bad way. Some of them realised this earlier, and
they did something to change their education type. They realised that the
education system which direct education is used is not enough anymore. People
started memorizing the words which comes from the mouth of teacher but they
become unsuccessful when practicing their knowledge in real life. Turkey is one
of the countries which still use teacher centered education with direct
education model and when we look turkey’s score in the world average, we face
with very bad results. I am definitely sure that if the knowledge had been
asked in the Pisa examination, turkey would take high scores in the average.
However, they asked students how to use their knowledge when thinking. This
shows that we are memorizing knowledge and we cannot use it. This shows that
the term understanding is different from the term identifying. This is why I
definitely support student centered approach in education. Actually, students don’t
need teacher to learn knowledge. However, they need teacher to be able to think
better. From our childhood we are put in front of a teacher and we think that
we cannot learn knowledge by our self. Actually, every people have the ability
to memorize. However, they may not know how to practice the knowledge they
memorize and their knowledge may not come to the stage of identifying.
If we understand that the teacher centred
approach with direct education does not work anymore, let’s focus the approach
which students are in the center. According to student center approach,
practicing in class is very important. Especially, the Flipt classroom model is
my favourite. Students will learn all knowledge wherever they want. They will
come to class only for practicing. If teacher realises that students are not
developed in the subject in terms of knowledge. This time, teacher can hand
learning of students in terms of knowledge. In this way, student will ask
question and teacher will guide without directing. Student centred approach
follow problem based learning. Students learn from problems. This is our
natural learning method. So far, people have invented everything by their
problems. For example, Edison found bulb because he had a light problem. Grahambell found telephone because reaching
people who is far away was hard. Problem based learning help students develop
their critical thinking. In this method, teacher offer problems to the students
and guide them about how to solve problems and which technique they can use to
solve them. In problem based learning method, students do not focus problems
only from one dimension. I mean they can hand problems both math formulas and
social sciences. For example, when they
are working on traffic problem, they can both calculate the speed of cars in
term of time and search for the behaviours of drivers. On the other hand, choosing
correct questions for students is very important. If teacher chose a question
which is over the capacity of the students, this cannot be helpful for student
learning. Also, this may decrease motivation of students because they cannot
see themselves as qualitative to reach solution. Motivation is very important
because it is the tool let people take an action. Also, teacher generally
should choose question from real life because real life examples are concrete.
When learning subject, students should not ask question by themselves like what
is the aim of this problem. How can it be helpful for me and e.g. Also,
abstract things is better in learning logically. However, teacher may offer
abstract problems for students who achieved basic learning process. In addition, all students are special.
Teacher should not offer limited problems for special students. Problems should
be able to being approached from different dimensions. Also, all learning
activities should be prepared in terms of respect to the ethnic, cultural,
religious worth of the students. For example, teacher should not offer students
any problem like ignorance of African socials, when there is an African student
in the class.